Board Of Directors Positions:
Our board of directors is made up of highly motivated, energetic and giving individuals. These positions are un-paid and require a great deal of commitment to fulfill the roles. All of our board members are Storrs campus students.
We select our board largely through interviews with the current board members, focusing on your previous involvement with UConn Rescue, your aspirations and skills/experience you bring to the organization.
If you are interested in joining the board please reach out to us at contact@uconnrescue.com expressing your interest in a position and come meet in us in person at a meeting.
Applications for 2025-2026 Officer Positions will OPEN
in Early 2025 for the election held in April.
Instructor Team Positions:
Our instructor team is made up of very dedicated, skilled, and professional individuals. Most of our instructors are students (or alumni) of the Storrs campus. Our instructors simultaneously serve in two roles as Stop the Bleed Instructors & AHA BLS CPR/AED Instructors.
Stop the Bleed (STB) Instructors must meet a certain set of criteria from the ACS Stop the Bleed campaign to become an instructor. They complete hours of instruction on trauma and bleeding control to begin teaching. These individuals teach Stop the Bleed classes to the greater university community. They are rewarded through our stipend program based on the number of classes they teach.
American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructors are certified by the national body under the UConn Rescue training site. All instructors must complete 8+ hours of in-person education, an online component and a student teaching component of the class. They are rewarded through our stipend program based on the number of classes they teach.
We routinely offer an instructor class for BLS & STB Instructors in January/February of each year. You must apply, complete an interview, and be selected for the instructor class (which does have a cost associated with it). Applications typically open in November and are announced through our email list & the UConn student daily digest.
We are always looking for new instructors. If you are interested in becoming an instructor please email the Training Coordinator at training@uconnrescue.com to express your interest.
Applications for the Spring 2026 instructor class will open in November 2025.
The next class will be held in February 2026.
Then again in Spring 2027.
Application period will open in November for Spring 2026.
More information is routinely sent through our email list. if you are interested in being more involved please attend a meeting and meet us!